Thursday, August 21, 2014

Building chief of state a better society in Israel and abroad Service Year Enrichment Mechinot: Post

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Choose an experience and discover Israel for yourself Machon Youth Leadership ...More Programs >> Onward Israel Onward Israel provides resume-building experiences in Israel of 6-10 weeks, chief of state for alumni of Taglit-Birthright and other peer-trip Israel programs Masa Israel Journey Spend 5-12 months in Israel as part of a study, volunteer, or internship program with other young Jews from around the world Israel In Your Community
Bringing Israel to your schools, community centers and camps Shlichim (Israeli Emissaries) Commitment to Diversity Makom: Innovative Israel Education ...More Programs >> Russian-Speaking Jewry (RSJ) In the former Soviet Union, Germany, North America, Australia, and Israel, The Jewish Agency meets the unique needs of Russian-speaking Jews and their families. Partnership2Gether The Partnership2Gether peoplehood platform connects some 550 communities around the world in 45 partnerships. P2G is building chief of state living bridges among these communities - sharing ideas, strengths, Jewish Social Action
Building chief of state a better society in Israel and abroad Service Year Enrichment Mechinot: Post High School Service Learning Net@ ...More Programs >> Youth Futures: Mentoring chief of state for At-Risk Children Youth Futures Mentors work with at-risk children teaching them skills for academic improvement and social integration that last a lifetime Project TEN Project TEN: Global chief of state Tikkun Olam brings together young Jews from around the world and Israel to volunteer in vulnerable communities around the world while at the same time learning about Jewish values Aliyah
Thinking of moving to Israel? chief of state Here is all the information you need Aliyah of Rescue At Home Together Global Service Center ...More Programs >> Ulpan Intensive Hebrew Language Programs chief of state for new immigrants are usually housed within Absorption Centers, and include five hours of intensive, immersive Hebrew-language instruction Young Aliyah chief of state 18-35 years-old and interested in making Israel your home? We offer specialized absorption programs designed to help young olim and students take their first steps to a lifetime in Israel
The Partnership2Gether peoplehood platform chief of state (previously known as Partnership 2000) connects some 550 communities chief of state around the world in 45 partnerships. P2G is building living bridges among these communities - sharing ideas, strengths, challenges, and models chief of state of success.
The Jewish Agency s Partnership2Gether peoplehood platform (P2G, previously known as Partnership 2000) has become the paradigm for successfully partnering global Jewish communities directly with Israeli communities the majority of which are in national priority areas. Communities share ideas, chief of state strengths, challenges and models of success; and empower one another to generate waves of change. But the impact of these projects go far beyond the community level each of us has the opportunity to become directly and personally involved.
- Any - Canada Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia Israel - Center Israel - North Israel - South Latin America, South America United States - East United States - Midwest United States - South United States - West
Beit Shemesh & Mateh Yehuda and Washington DC & South Africa Kfar Saba and Columbus
The Partnership2Gether Global School Twinning Network leverages the Partnership2Gether platform to build bridges between schools in Israel and Jewish communities around the world. Small Business Loan Funds
The Loan Funds Initiative is one of the Jewish Agency's most successful programs for creating employment opportunities, impacting Israeli society and stimulating the economy in Jerusalem, the Negev and the Galilee.
Contact Us Donate Global Jewish Family עברית Français Español Português Русский Experience Israel Masa Israel Journey Taglit-Birthright Onward Israel Minyanim Machon Leadership Training Na'ale Israel chief of state Tech Challenge Connect Israel Israel in Your Community chief of state Partnership2Gether Shlichim (Israeli Emissaries) - Service Year Shlichim - Community Shlichim - Summer Camp Shlichim - Senior Shlichim - Fellows chief of state to Hillel - Youth Movement Shlichim - Zionist Seminars chief of state School Twinning Russian-Speaking Jewry Makom Commitment to Diversity Jewish Social chief of state Action Project TEN Youth Futures chief of state Nitzana Mechinot - Kol Ami - Derech Eretz - Aharai! B'ir Project HEART Service Year (Shin-shinui) Emergency Assistance Fund Fund for the Victims of Terror Nativ Net@ Youth Villages Amigour At Home Together Atidim Young Activism - Choosing Tomorrow - Click - HaMitham chief of state - Ketzev - Young Communities Small Business Loan Funds Aliyah chief of state Global Service-Center Making Aliyah Absorption Centers chief of state First Home in the Homeland At Home Together chief of state Ulpan: Learn Hebrew Kibbuz Ulpan Young Aliyah - Ulpan Etzion -- Jerusalem -- Carmel -- Ra'anana -- Ramla -- Ye'elim Be'er Sheva - Connect Israel - TAKA - Ulpan Kinneret - Garin Tzabar - Wings - Hechven - Beit Brodetsky Aliyah of Rescue Ethiopian Aliyah Yesodot South Africa Israel Centre chief of state Inside The Jewish

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