Friday, January 3, 2014

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Casariche City Council cook high school is providing two formations of different cook high school sign, also aimed at a different audience. On the one hand, he is teaching a workshop Stimulation cook high school of Memory and Self-Esteem aimed at older people cook high school and the collective auxiliary home help, and secondly, holding a cooking workshop which is a "walk around the world "as its slogan says, because supposed to know dishes from different countries.
The Kitchen Workshop, taught by the Delegation of Youth, provides the ability to "learn to prepare and enjoy international dishes," said the casaricheño Consistory. The registration fee for this training cook high school is 20 euros per person.
Moreover, in November Workshop Stimulation of Memory and Self-Esteem, launched by the City of Casariche through its Department of Social Welfare and funded by the Junta de Andalucía began. The workshop is to monitor Sojo Lorenzo Pineda. The group of Home Care Assistants receive this workshop Monday at the Youth House, while in the case of the group of older, classes are still in the Senior Day Center. This entry was posted in Culture and Leisure, Health and tagged Casariche, Culture, Elders, Entertainment, Health, by digitalsierrasur workshop. Bookmark the permalink.
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