Currently most are inexperienced in adults ends after a year or two, without becoming fluent. Of the 18,000 who are in language learning courses, lasting about 1000 to the fourth year, and most of these are over 50, and the largest group over 60.
The Future Language also want to spend on Welsh for Adults doubles, cfai so that it corresponds to the provision English to adults in the United Kingdom, and for adults to learn the Basque in the Basque Country.
Says Heini Gruffudd, cfai Chairman of the Futures Language, "Although Wales has pioneered in the field of language teaching to adults, and while great work is being done on the ground, the funding system that prevents success with us. "
He added, "The current system provides approximately 400 hours over four years - one-third of what is needed to achieve fluency. Most classes are offered cfai 2 or 4 hours a week, which is far from ideal. "
"The cfai National Institute of Welsh for Adults courses are able to organize 1,200 hours, give priority to learners who may use the language at home and at work, and ensure that learners are actually given every opportunity."
Pity most of the Future did not have gweneud their homework and have instead relied on individual opinion that no longer cfai work in the field. A number of facts wrong in the blogiad cfai all this, as would any consultation with the Welsh for Adults Centres have shown. cfai Disaster recommendation would centralize responsibility for the provision. I am extremely disappointed in the organization who I thought would argue for the Welsh with credibility on opinions based on evidence.
Heini Gruffudd Response to dylw above: your comment on the website of the Future came to my attention. It would be helpful to me to try to correct the claim you may have about me that I do not 'now working in the field': I have a contact with adult learning in three ways: 1. I'm still learning adults, even though I retired from my full time job. Many of those who are on the final stages of their learning come to my classes. 2. In terms of research, the work that I ia Steve Morris is doing over a period of two years has just been published. The work includes a discussion about twenty classes of learners across the country, cfai mainly in the south and southeast and northwest. cfai There was a great taste of seeing the huge effort made by so many. 3. I worked voluntarily in the Chat Room held at Ty Tawe weekly, and try to attend weekly. It would be good for me to know what facts 'completely wrong' in the 'blogiad'. It's hard for me to pick that without more detailed comments. I attached the comments from the Futures Language, and welcome you to point out any factual inaccuracies. We appreciate this, of course. Make notes on the copy, and if you're cfai different facts and correct, I will do to vary in accordance with this document. Some who work in the Welsh for Adults Centres have looked at the document, has suggested several points, and has been approved. There has been an effort to consult. Here's one: "it is reasonable and fair enough document". As you can see in the document, not an effort cfai to centralize the provision is the goal. The document talks about coordinating cfai the work of the Six Centre, and this is no different from the current system. cfai The guidance from experts in the coordination would be one obvious difference. The need is to provide learning pathways that allow learners to receive intensive courses up to 1,200 hours to become fluent. I do not see how this can be done without central interference, from the Government, cfai to fund time off work and to promote this. This is where leadership is needed from the center, and experts in the field could provide this guidance. Other guidance cfai that may come from the center is to promote the establishment of Centres of Welsh, although it can be argued to what extent these should be essentially local initiatives. Coming to a decision on resources cfai and courses is another matter again. We could argue on this, of course. It would be good to know whether you have objections to the way in which habe lead in the Basque Country. He argued there too, I accept, between private and Habe, but I understand that a lot of this has been resolved. Welcome you elaborate cfai on how this would be a 'disaster'. Perhaps you believe that the document is about removing the existing Six Centre, but suggested this at all. Best wishes, Heini
Fit Thank you for responding so quickly and as precisely the very short and adawes to comment on the website. Thank you also for sending a copy of the full document, that I had not seen before. There are a large number of points in that document cfai I agree 100% with them. Nonetheless, the concern I expressed earlier still exist. I did not know you have a class in Swansea and I'm sorry for giving the impression that you are retired! cfai I'm aware of the research that you have been involved in a tee and Steve. It input timely given the panel emotive work
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