Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bloar Down

Hello today I count as Paul Martin Aru and reach a new region by mistake. Pablo: The harbor! Laura: Uff finally hear what we llevava boat to the front? Martin: french beard That's SASecret Aru: Strange Name. Maria: french beard If Captain: Binevenidos. Aru: (Thinking): I miss this man seems a bit weird. Paul: Let Montaos. While she appeared a fog came and saw an island as big as Unova. Martin: Where are we? Paul: If that. Captain: Inutiles hope you enjoy the island (how Darkrir is trans and goes) Maria. french beard WHERE DOES THE MOVEMENT HAS TAKEN TRANSFORMATION? french beard Aru: No but anyway to see the new island! Martin: That Laura: You have to see the island. Paul: Guys look for new pokemon. ?: Welcome. All: Thanks Marin: Who are you?: I'm Professor Nau. Maria: Do we give each pokemon? Nau: If we go. Nau: Well you start by Aru. Que types like Pokemon? Aru: Those of psychic. Nau: A Zunou.Tomalo. (Image Zunou)
Paul: Well, I also like ice and water. Maria: I Martin: Yeah, and when. Maria: I am one that is cute. Nau: Vale.Un Shaimin (do not put picture because I think I know her) Maria: Is this region? Nau: If Martin: I water. Nau: A Crogon. (Picture)
Martin: Yesss Nau: Well, id aora gyms Radel. french beard Paul: That name. Aru: Vamonos. Paul Aver this map says the gym is about 2 Kilometers. Laura: Buff (Rainer escapes) Paul Rainer !!! (A rare pokemon and Rainer opens with a sparkle makes it go) Martin: We rescue. ?: Graaar. Maria: To be continued AAA Martin: Forward Crogon water pistol. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Grar Aru: okay Maria. Maria: If Paul is still a weak pokemon have no psyche Rainer level block. Martin: Crogon the same. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gruarr (Walks) Paul Uff Laura: Wow that pokemon. Maria: french beard Wait we gotta get out of here. Martin: Like. Aru: If we have to move the front is the law of coach Paul Jo because we have to spend an entire region to go to another. Aru: Ya. ?: Not if you have two pokemon in this region do not you have to go away. Paul: It's true but who are you? Pepe: The Cleaner. Martin: Pepe what does here? Pepe: Pleasure. Laura: We have poke-balls so ... Pepe: One for each of the pokemon will stop here again if we do well, and aora bye guys. (All but captured pokemon but not Maria.) Maria: Goodbye I'll see you when I pass the front. All: Adiosss. ?: Hey, you know where there is a gym. Paul: Let uno. Quieres come and join us on the trip? ?: Yes, my name is Star. All:'ll be pleased. Paul: Well you know that my family french beard is not rich, then asked for a helicopter and we leave. Martin: french beard WE Paul, But tomorrow will come. Martin: uff (The below is the history of mystery in Adioss home)
Bloar Down

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