Here are a few examples of creative activities formation cuisine or games for children, both in children formation cuisine ages Pre-K children (kindergarten), elementary school children (SD), as well as children at the age of junior high school (SMP). The distinction is based on the education level does not apply rigid, because creative activities for children kindergarten formation cuisine age can be done by children at elementary school age and otherwise creative activities at elementary school age children formation cuisine can be performed by kindergarten age children. Creative activities at elementary school formation cuisine age children can also be done at the junior high school age children. Distinctions about who can do more creative activities is determined by the ability to do creative activities kegaiatan formation cuisine with certain complexity. formation cuisine In this case, the child's thinking skills, motor development formation cuisine halusi, and the power of concentration to work or play in a certain time, determine the appropriate creative activities.
Some examples of creative activity in children recounted below. Tangyong et al. (1990) argued about the way Active Learning Childhood Development kindergarten. The development of a guide for kindergarten teachers to prepare the preparation of teaching (Teaching formation cuisine and Learning Activities). The guide aims to facilitate the kindergarten teachers in performing formation cuisine their duties. For parents who foster child, a very useful guide. Include formation cuisine the development of moral development, the development of language skills, physical development and health, knowledge development, pengembngan feelings, social and environmental awareness, and the development of creativity. Development of creativity or the development of children's creativity can be seen in the following three examples of activities (Tangyong et al, 1990).
eraser crock hoe
pencil pot knife
lime plate machete
booklet spoon rope
ruler steamer basket
ladle scissors bag
I easily broken.
Answer: Lime. & N
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