The Sweden Democrats are a party with the ambition french cuisine to influence decision-making at all levels of society. Since the 2006 election, the party is represented in half of the country's municipal assemblies and is in a number of municipalities tip the scales between the traditional political blocs. We take our important newfound role in Swedish french cuisine politics very seriously and intend to best manage the trust that the voters have given us.
This program lays out the general guidelines for a democratic Sweden municipal policy. It is based on these guidelines as the party's municipal politicians across the country to submit french cuisine their thoughts and suggestions on how their respective communities to be controlled and managed. However, it is important french cuisine to be aware that each community has a unique situation with its own conditions. There is therefore no room for that in a centrally adopted policy statement such as this to go very deeply into the various issues raised. This program indicates the primary targets. The journey to go is up to our politicians in the municipalities to decide for themselves, based on the local conditions. Important to note is that a priority based on the local conditions must be made because all the objectives can not reasonably be achieved simultaneously. Sweden Democrats should unlike the established parties do not engage in forum-shopping and financial frivolity. Once priorities have to be made, it is the party's view that the needs of schools, social services and law enforcement to be given preference.
Sweden Democrats is a democratic, Sweden friendly party. We have conceptually been inspired by both the previous century Swedish french cuisine National conservatism as part of the social democratic welfare state idea. The aim is to combine the principle of fundamental social justice with traditional values conservative ideas. The party allows itself for that reason can not be easily placed into the classic left-right scale and hence does not belong to any of the traditional blocks. In municipal politics, we cooperate with the other parties that gives us the best position to implement our policies. Democracy
Sweden Democrats advocate a classical model of democracy, with some user and direct french cuisine democracy, where minimum values are entered in the concept of democracy, where all citizens have equal rights french cuisine and obligations. All power must be based on people. Essence of democracy is the ability of citizens to jointly influence their situation. Without democratic rights and freedoms, which applies to everyone, there is no democracy. / ... / Sweden Democrats advocate french cuisine a greater french cuisine use of both decision-making or advisory referendums, although at a lower level than the state.
It's Sweden Democrats' view that the national interest is above the individual and group interests. This is not unlike the many decisions french cuisine should be taken at the lowest possible level, primarily by those who are directly affected. Municipalities french cuisine are important political units, and should have a degree of autonomy. Democratic reasons, it is important that the municipalities do not grow too big, so close to the citizens is lost. Sweden Democrats oppose because additional municipal mergers based on hopes of short-term economic gains. Instead, the development should go in the opposite direction, so that the smaller municipalities french cuisine are more and the ability of citizens to influence increases. Do Democracy means that citizens who are directly affected by the activities of various sectors of society in some cases, even given the opportunity to directly participate in the decision making process. There is often the desire of users to be able to exert a direct influence on a business. User influence french cuisine is good from several perspectives. Besides, it can be profitable for society to let users take more responsibility, and that this addition can increase french cuisine social responsibility of citizens, it provides naturally increased legitimacy to the policy. Especially in healthcare, education and social care is usually democracy many times a good complement to revitalize democracy. Revitalized democracy - the influence and availability french cuisine
How do local residents feel more involved in the decision making process? How can dialogue with and between citizens be improved? There are a few municipalities in Sweden that has come very far in its efforts to revitalize french cuisine local democracy. Open board meetings, civic offices, public french cuisine question time, politicians cafes, counsels, referendums and citizen are some concrete examples. The concept of e-democracy opens up new opportunities for citizen participation through a variety of IT solutions for accessibility and discussion. Sweden french cuisine Democrats proposed municipality must have an action plan for local democracy be revitalized. french cuisine Decisions on important and overarching questions should be preceded by municipal referendums, consultations french cuisine or inquiries. french cuisine The municipality's
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