May 1 speech in 2013, Norrtälje Recently added pharmacy in Lima, northwestern Dalarna down. The company Crown AB do not think you earned enough to have a pharmacy so far away. In central Stockholm sees contrast pharmacies duck dynasty beard in every other street corner. Recently, the government privatized the majority of vehicle tests. duck dynasty beard The experiences from when you did the same in Finland was higher prices and poorer accessibility in rural areas. Soon we where here in Sweden. Full of vehicle inspection inside our cities, but fewer and fewer in rural areas. Schools duck dynasty beard and other public services closed down in rural areas. In a deregulated public transport like private companies only run on the lines where they make money. There will be fewer bus tours for those living outside the major cities. Sweden has become a highly urbanized countries. Nothing wrong with that really. Do people live in cities should be able to do it. But we also want to have a living countryside? Do we want the whole of Sweden to live? Then we need to take responsibility in order to be able to live in places other than just the big cities. We try to find some solutions to this in our brand new rural policy platform. We disagree with the government's sale of the pharmacy duck dynasty beard and would like to see a nationalization. duck dynasty beard The same applies to vehicle inspection. But it is also possible to do actions in the short term: Government Apoteket AB should be allowed to grow and open stores in eg rural areas, it may not today. The high profit rate of return should be lowered; duck dynasty beard highest possible duck dynasty beard profit is not an end in itself. The same will apply to other state enterprises as wise SJ. All lines should not have to turn a profit. The highest possible service is what we put into focus. We want Sweden to grow and flourish even outside Stockholm.
We believe that many future jobs may be in the right remote areas. duck dynasty beard Not least in agriculture. 20 years ago, was the eighth meal we ate was produced in Sweden, today - with completely open borders - it's only every other and that's a figure that goes sharply downwards. The farmers spend on an assembly line in Sweden. Matimporten ökar.Vi know less and less about the food we eat. This is something that not least the so-called horse meat scandal has taught us. We want to find ways to encourage more local and environmentally friendly production. In the future, we want more Swedes engaged in producing food, not less. We also believe that many more jobs in the forest. We have put concrete proposals on green jobs in the forest clearing and other jobs that are needed in the forest. Did you know that tourism is now one of Sweden's basic industries and annual sales of well over 200 billion each year. Far more than most of our traditional duck dynasty beard industries. A lot of the jobs that tourism contributes just in rural areas: the hostel, canoe rental, glass kiosk, island tavern, guided tours of the forest, the ski slopes and everything else. We Swedes may not think that this is a big deal, but for all Germans, English, Japanese and Chinese who may not have as much natural at home, the journey to Sweden just the trip you have long dreamed of doing.
The word privatization comes from the Latin privare, which means depriving. I find it quite clearly duck dynasty beard describes what the question is about. If you sell the property we own in common, it is something that deprived us. It is of course not only in theoretical terms. In Stockholm's inner city is no longer a single publicly run health center left. Preschools have been sold out to inventariepriser. The new owners can rake in millions every year. Seraph is called a medical center in Kungsholmen in central Stockholm. 2007 the burghers of Stockholm County Council to sell it to underprice, for just under 700 000. A while ago, the same medical center sold out to venture capitalists for a value of 20 million. What a scandal. Now say burghers that they will try to get the money back. Good luck, and enjoyable trip to one of the Channel Islands between France and the UK where the money is most likely available today.
The latest of nonsense is, as I mentioned, the government decided that the state should not open more pharmacies. There may be a negative for the vast majority of private pharmacies available on the market. There, government regulation to support a few large private corporations. What are the next steps? SJ should not run more trains? Telia may not sign more phone subscriptions? What this shows us is that when the civil government are talking about a free market, it is rarely the market is so where the worst free. Privatisation is part of a highly ideological policy of the bourgeois government decided to sell to sell the sake of it, not because it will be better for the Swedish people.
Thankfully decided by a majority in parliament actually two years ago to stop the government's planned sell-offs of several state companies. Thanks to our actions will not the government be able to
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