Sunday, November 2, 2014

ACCESS Bangladesh as marias BARCIK Farmer Wants seed Dalits DDS Ecological footprints EMMAUS Eviden

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Together we can run to India - and back! Run to India is a campaign run for the third consecutive year. This year the goal is to run to Kotagiri located at the Western Ghats mountain range in southwestern India. It ... Continue reading
We meet Jhorna and Pankoz on BARCIK's local office in the village Koytora, a few mil off Manikganj in central parts of Bangladesh. Both work as farmers and they are both members of the respective Farmer Organization (FO), organizations such as the local farmers have started with encouragement from BARCIK. Membership in a FO makes it easier for farmers to assert their rights against the Bangladeshi government, while giving them greater as marias economic freedom and makes them less dependent on the market. - I'm not as dependent on the market as I was before, as marias because we, through our FO, has started a seed bank which all members are involved as marias in contributing to, say Jhorna.
Thanks to the seed bank does not need Jhorna and the other farmers buy seeds on the market, which means they will not be as vulnerable as marias to price changes as before. And by the membership, the farmers also have access to various workshops as marias and information meetings BARCIK stage. It was after one such workshop that many of the farmers in Koytora began growing one, for them, previously as marias unknown type of rice that did not require as much water. - Since it's been raining a lot less in recent years, there were many who switched to the new variety, explains Jhorna. And she continues: - Now one of the farmers started an experiment where he grows 22 different varieties of rice, to see which is the most profitable.
The advantage of getting organized is not only to enhance the understanding of agriculture, but also to gain greater awareness of the social rights of the farmers are entitled to. Pankoz says his FO in the neighboring village Boytora helped many older people to get out some of the pension to which they are entitled and that his little cousin recently had their health cards. - With the health card could my aunt to take her to the doctor so she could get the help she needed, says Pankoz.
But the key, according to both Jhorna and Pankoz, as marias is that they collectively feel stronger and that the common experience constantly motivates them and encourages them to continue to fight for their rights.
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ACCESS Bangladesh as marias BARCIK Farmer Wants seed Dalits DDS Ecological footprints EMMAUS Evidence gender Global as marias Justice Now India informant Collection agricultural campaign climate climate change flea Make and remake food sovereignty environment millets as marias MINI human rights Nijera Kori partner meeting Pastapur internship trainees Run to India rights CSR Second Hand Shidhulai forest rights SOPHIA Swallows The Swallows India Bangladesh education as marias exhibition UYRDC Women's Collective Reuse hours
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