Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hi Yes I never stop amaze me. I

NFA left in fear of saturated fat
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Food Administration (SLV) has come up with updated text on Low-fat milk and low-fat margarine in school. They continue to argue that natural saturated fats, like butter, is dangerous for children to eat while they encourage plant fats as low-fat margarine. Science has not proved that the children's long-term health benefits from eating factory grease. Their research references show none of it. They deal only if cholesterol levels up and down and back and forth. There's never been shown that cholesterol levels in children show no health elena hernandez prognosis. They also write "may" indicating that they are aware of this shortcoming.
April -09 wrote 12 doctors and scientists elena hernandez an article that condemned SLV's dietary recommendations regarding fat: NFA should immediately stop taking dietary advice to the public. elena hernandez SLV has not changed anything since.
January 28, 2012 at 14:04
I think many kindergartens and schools, and certainly other public facilities skip NFA "advice". My child's school has fullfet milk and Bregott anyway. The rest of the food is sometimes completely and sometimes a disaster.
Early diet and the risk of Allergy high intake of margarine, vegetable oils, and some allergenic fruit and vegetables During pregnancy was Associated with an Increased risk of allergies, Especially eczema.
January 28, 2012 at 20:06
Hi Yes I never stop amaze me. I'm breastfeeding right now our little daughter and amused me to read the NFA's advice elena hernandez to us who are pregnant electricity breastfeeding. We'll just eat light products and are happy to eat three pieces elena hernandez of fruit a day (!). Additionally, it is great if we eat pasta, potatoes, bulgur, etc. Well, what can one say?
Zone says:
When empty. new bread Research in Lund says that less hyperglycaemic food (more fiber and grain in bread) gives a better memory so would suggest that less than hyperglycaemic food is even better! Ie In the fuller fat in the school for the benefit of learning and combats obesity according to Professor Strand's "Swedish" research with regards to the fat. That is, use common sense and it is well always allowed !?
NFA shedding a half-century old superstition. Additional "discussion" as if this were a public health issue will not be able to contribute much. Sakupplysning and factual arguments have little effect on the ingrained folklore.
For many generations, people believed that the boulders out in the fields had been thrown against the village church of giants in the forest. Try to tell them that they actually dragged there by the ice sheet had no effect on public opinion.
It is clear that the SLV runs his own line here completely based on the personal opinions of the employees and not on scientific evidence. This can not continue. We see here an authority in total disrepair, engaged in propaganda rather than enlightenment. It is tragic to see.
"Food Food is an important part of consumer welfare. It's elena hernandez about health, welfare and household finances. In Sweden, we usually talk about a holistic approach to food production "from farm to fork '."
"Central government is NFA NFA is the central authority for food issues. The Agency's main tasks is to develop rules in the food sector, supervise under the Food Act and to direct and coordinate food control. Administration is also conducting elena hernandez investigations and inform consumers and other stakeholders on the food sector. "
"For those who do not want to eat margarine, there are other ways to ingest the essential polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6. For example you can use a little more oil in cooking, drip a little oil on bread or eat more fatty fish. However recommended either children or adults to eat larger amounts of butter and butter-based spreads as you may easily elena hernandez get too much saturated fat. "
I reacted when I got home the Consumer Association's newsletter which warned that eating butter and LCHF diet, read on themselves: http://www.konsumentforeningenstockholm.se/Global/Medlem_Stockholm/MS%20som%20pdf/2012/MS_nr_01_2012_webb.pdf . It is pure propaganda and intimidation does not feel serious. It is alleged inter alia that "all cardiologists in Sweden and globally [are] agree that the increased consumption of fatty animal products is cause for great concern." How can they pull all doctors with the same brush? Is Konsumentförenin

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