This bread was a little involved but fun to make and tasted amazing. We had a plate of it as toast the next day and it was even better – so much so that none survived to confirm the theory often expressed by rye fans that it helps the bread keep longer.
Mix johnson & wales the dry ingredients together, add the water, mix them together until the dough comes together, then knead briefly until it goes silky and put into a plastic bag to put in the fridge to mature over night.
Remove the ferment from the bag and upt it at the bottom of your bowl. This would probably be easier if you remembered the oil the bag the night before. I never do. Add the rest of the ingredients. Bring them all together and knead until the dough is smooth and doesn;t feel sticky. Make it into a ball and leave it to rest covered johnson & wales for an hour.
Put into a 250 C pre heated oven and mist with some water before closing the door. Bake for 5 minutes and then turn the temperature down to 220 C and cook for approx johnson & wales 25 minutes until they are dark. Take out of the oven, place on a rack and leave to cool. Ideally without sampling.
We ate plenty the day we made this, but the rest got used up as part of the Vegan Feast we put on for 18saughtonmains johnson & wales ‘s Dad and Stepmum when they were returning eldest to us. 18saughtonmains did most of the cooking and has promised me he’ll write it up, so I’ll just post a pic today.
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