Friday, February 20, 2015

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Long-term well-being of society depends basically on the family - newspaper
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This year's International Day of Families in Slovenia celebrate the midst of a growing economic crisis and after a long period of discussions on family law, are twofold Slovenian society. The United Nations have as the theme of this year's International Day of Families choose "Ensuring a balance between family and work."
To ensure long-term economic growth and environmental well-being is essential to at least the level of fertility catering courses of 2.1 children per woman. The current birth rate in developed countries, including us, is 1.6. (3) Due to the fact that the larger the family, as is the case, wanted more than a third of Slovenians, it is the task of all of us that we are looking for ways to support them in this. (4)
To get rid of the need to prejudices that this means returning to the past and the decline in the already achieved rights, especially women. The flexibility of the employer and his concern for the satisfaction of the private life of employees today in the developed world to establish catering courses themselves as an important competitive advantage.
Life preference of women are international research different: in developed countries about 20% of women favoring only lives at home with his family, 60% of women give priority to balancing work and family life and 20% of women give priority to professional life. (5) These aspirations of women should be easy to listen to.
Government policy should do more to evaluate catering courses the work of parents who stay home with children or to abandon the work of the service, and to this end also invest financial resources. Such a policy is also economic justified. In Finland, for example, that we are just an example of the welfare state, parents catering courses who do not use public catering courses kindergartens, recognize specific financial supplement that can be used for your own family budget or payment of alternative forms of childcare. catering courses In this way, they have managed to reduce the cost of public kindergartens, the measure also had a positive effect in raising fertility. (6)
Conclusion. Promotion of marriage and the family should be in the economic interest of modern societies. No policy of resolving the Slovenian and global society of the current economic crisis will not be successful if it does not include the creation of an environment for the growth of solid families, incitement catering courses to making more children and providing diverse opportunities for reconciliation of work and family.
Institute is the strongest organization of civil society in Slovenia, which is recognizable FAMILY. Through the implementation of a number of innovative programs for couples, families, parents catering courses and young people receive a direct insight into the lives of families and the problems which they face. Therefore, also wants to be the voice of families in public.
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AUTHORS (archive) Select Author ... Simon Kravanja Katja Cingerle European Slovenia Mateja Mazgan Bogomir Štefanič Anton Urankar Jew Ana Ana Gruden Bartimaeus Helena Jaklitsch, Lenart Rihar Thomas Erzar and Katarina Kompan Erzar admin newspaper catering courses Ziga Andoljšek Arko Matej Andraz Avbelj Igor Bahovec Jože Bartolj Patricia Belak Government Berglez July BERTONCELJ Romana Bider Government Bizjak catering courses Gasper Blažič Mary Burnik Jernej Buzeti Tadej Buzeti Matthew Cerar Ines Cergol Branko Cestnik Janez Cigler King of France Cukjati Franc Cvelbar Monika catering courses Cvirn Demetrius Ambrose Demšar Danijel Devetak Jože Dežman Miha Dolenc Polona Dominik Jani Drnovšek Casnik Marijan Drobež Jani Družovec Jože priest George Paul Sebastian Emeršič Erlah Aleš Ernecl Thomas Erzar Janez Eržen Franci Feltrin Igor Ferluga D. Frelih Simon Furlan Luka G. Fox Matija Gabrovšek Mateja Gašperin Miro Germ Valery Grašič Jožko Gregorc Igor Boris Gregori Greif Greif Gregor Tamara Griesser Pečar L. Hammarskjöld Aristides HATZIS Aleš Hojs Borut Holcman Marko Iršič Mitja Iršič Slavisa Ivanovic Thomas Ivešić Stane Jakelj Helena Jaklitsch

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