Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Last mofwaz: 19:25 GMT / 09.01.2015

What Haitian president will ask the rise? There is a Creole saying that says: "There is no time to sleep in your eyes to bed." So we believe it is important for all Haitian who would like to see another Haiti began pulling pen to write all the ideas that would become the top to assist in the development of Haiti, culinary and share with each other online. Granted, we can not PAB power to do what we want, but there are serious people who read what you publish on the Internet every day (either being investigated or are trying to enrich their knowledge). So do not lose your time stoned another fellow (if you have personal problems with it), do not lose your time attacking the other person does not share the same ideas with you. But try to use the time you prefer to come up with great ideas for the development of Haiti.
If Haiti to develop good, then what will be in the interest of all Haitian; The Haitian npil will see it is important to go home and many Haitian will invest at home so that Haiti can become beautiful. culinary Among the many words that will be on the Internet, culinary send equivocate, discussion left good shape policy and Iles will sit on chairs upholstered ..., many people culinary bewildered instead they should start thinking culinary about something essential new ch sh f the state should be taken into consideration to help rebuild a new Haiti. Among these, we can mention: culinary
Agricultural Development - (B ank agricultural dams, better tools to work the land, crops, livestock raising culinary animal, irrigation, plant transformation, culture, agricultural credit system to protect crops / agricultural production, etc.).
ID card - K heck years ago, I wrote an article on "the importance of all citizens should have a 'permanent identification card state would provide and this number should and FX. Government needs more money to work things out; so we can not say this strong identity would free of charge. Long, were weighed culinary course poor, small street culinary vendor to buy an identification card every year, but this was the era "government thieves who were full pockets." Identity atheists can renew every five years (it would expire on the date of birth of the person; to do with driver in some US states). So this would help the person (when she knows her feast day, every five years, they must renew his ID card). It is impossible for the government to really speak of a good program culinary and it should not be a means of identifying each person very quickly / to enter the file or create a file for them.
School for All - We envision free school (from age 5 to age 18 years). How can a country develop true when most people including illiterate, when the majority youth to school and will prepare you for tomorrow?
Trade school - (L i also important to mention "school where people can learn a trade"; culinary the name only to find a job tomorrow, but also to create activities for everyone. When more people have an activity they do we become less delinquency, fewer people will feel itchy in society, and fewer beggars.
Tourism culinary - (T ouris is the largest source country of the Caribbean), they will also carry cash every day. More tourists who enter a country, the more economic activity to help people make money (restaurants, hotels, motels, culinary tourist sites attractions to receive, and handicraft markets that embraces many things). There tourism also o local level (eg from a Haitian area to visit the other for a short time, but they would create websites touristic attractions).
Roads - (Self road connecting ten departments). It is impossible for a country could develop without would be the way to put several people in contact with one another quickly, to facilitate economic development (eg local market by EMP), tourism (at the national and international).
In summary, we could continue citing a long list of things we think the next president should do, but for now we just think it's important to address the important issues of this fails, a name only way to make the next president to remember that thing Priorities do, but also awakened many countrymen to focus on the key issues that need addressing before long, and be the head of state agendas will rise. (EW VĂ©drine).
Last mofwaz: 19:25 GMT / 09.01.2015

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