Monday, March 3, 2014

Humans, as a species evolutionarily built on

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* Dedicated global day of environmental protection (MON), or the Fifth Juna whom the UN in 1972. declared the "World culinary arts Environment Day", which this year marks globally in Mexico (Mexico 2009th, dia mundial del medio ambiente)
Humans, as a species evolutionarily built on "the third rock from the sun", no spontaneous, genetic ability for recognizing, defining and achieving culinary arts - a general, common interest (some authors call it the "Tragedy of the Commons," Garrett Hardin put it as the title of his Article 1968.). With quite a bit tousled poetic liberties in describing the evolution of small changes, which leads to better adjustment of some kind, one might imagine that, (outside of human will and influence, of course!), The first metaphor for "contract with Mephisto" (so popular metaphor for eons later!) was just "an evolutionary trade" that we, in return for consciousness, mind, intellect and creative intellect to which we are so proud - lost alleles which spontaneously culinary arts and genetically have the awareness of the general, common interest groups, or types. culinary arts What has happened to other living (or evolutionary missing) species that live in flocks, swarms, herds, packs, herds, colonies, symbiosis, societies, communities of any type and form. People to define general, common interest should - specific, deliberate, human regulation (law, written or unwritten rules and regulations), and usually only after the event obvious damage (any origin) made by all or by most of society.
Quite a long time people have, even, our common environment called "human environment", as if all this splendor always there just for human beings culinary arts .. Jes `,` paz not Manl? But such use of language indicates how much arrogance culinary arts sometimes culinary arts present in all of us that we only island in the sea of other islands without which we can not and grown ups. And the state of our environment is a testament to how much and what kind of damage arrogance and arrogance can make.
Because we are creatures of the community, because they do not know how, I can not and do not know how to live a lonely and isolated from each other, people have their own community, social culinary arts connections, rituals and habits edited thousands of years during which I have changed almost everything they could, without interruption, small changes, and only later called it "progress" or contemporaries culinary arts (that same arrogance that relate to the environment) of the previous epoch called "primitive or inferior" and themselves "modern or superior." And so in beskrajon ... By dvestotinak years ago, to us.
And the fact that most of us on the planet "than ever," that we should be spending for all "more than ever" and that the hundred-two hundred years (XIX and XX century) technological-scientific development brought the human beings a lot of good things (prolongation culinary arts of life and standard of freedom, rapid exchange of information and knowledge ...), but also a lot of bad things (the most destructive and deadliest wars for resources, pollution and damage to the environment, injustice and najneravnomerniji planetary evolution ever recorded)
Essentially, the consequences of the policies that have brought various human societies culinary arts in different eras led, considered the "best of all" and lived by the rules, written and unwritten, which were the contents of these policies. So they were changing constantly, stormy or calm (revolutivno or evolutionary), always after you make any irreparable harm or be left without any idea and knowledge of what is their own, general, culinary arts common culinary arts interest.
Politics is a means of changing our social relationships, and more importantly - edit policy area in which you live. The policy of our civilization has produced the most comprehensive, most radical, and sometimes dire irreversible changes the space in which all together živimo.Politika our civilization is first made of damage to land, water and air, and then began to enact regulation that such damage culinary arts should be repaired, rehabilitated and gradually (where whatever it may be) to bring the situation before we are infinitely large arrogance, that harm themselves produce.
No one another non-threatening and we waited until in 1972. The insights to how large (potentially) pests can be human beings, and to bring - regulation which prescribe what is environmental protection, as reconstructed already made

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