Friday, March 20, 2015

To cuisine was excellent, of course, need to provide a quality product. Ukrainian ingredient in Jap

The popularity of sushi bars only growing. These establishments often empty during the day and during the week, and already the days to get there unless you can reserve a table in advance. According to experts, is a profitable roast red peppers business that pays for itself within two years.
The truth is, as in any other business there are subtleties. Japanese Restaurant compared to other restaurants such as Ukrainian, Russian and European cuisine open by putting impossible, it is necessary that the staff went to school with people who are experienced in this business. Otherwise, roast red peppers you can just lose all the money invested.
In Kiev can count about two dozen Japanese restaurants. roast red peppers In every bigger town - not less than five. In small towns sushi bars as a separate restaurant area is almost absent, land serves as an additional dish at other restaurants or nightclubs.
Earn restaurateurs on land, hot meals and bar. In budget restaurants about 60% of revenues are from land, 30% - bar, and only 10% - other dishes. In restaurants, premium food (not land) are more popular, bringing about 20% of total revenue. The cost of land portions both in Kyiv and the regions roast red peppers is almost the same - from 5 to 17 USD. restaurant in the budget and 15 to 35 USD. - The road. The number of visitors in the restaurant ranges from 600 to 1,000 a day, while their regional counterparts in the fastest time collect only about 200.
To cuisine was excellent, of course, need to provide a quality product. Ukrainian ingredient in Japanese cuisine is little, all imported, and the right features and the right fish in Ukraine will not grow. Problems with the supply of products there, roast red peppers now in Ukraine, many companies engaged in overseas deliveries. Large restaurant chains involved in the delivery of products on their own: a guarantee of quality for yourself, plus an additional source of revenue from supplies to other institutions.
When choosing roast red peppers a supplier emphasis on quality products. This should taste each consignment. One failure can not only lead to inconsistencies taste, but also cause food poisoning in the client. This threatens to discredit full restaurant.
The success of the institution is determined not only quality products. No less important role played by the level of service. It waiters and cooks can make a bet hiperrentabelnym and drop it into the debt trap. Staff Japanese restaurant rather big, chef sushysty, waiters, kitchen workers. Key employees institution-chef. Subordinate to him a few sushystiv and cooks hot. The chef sets the quality level courses, novelty prints, tracks the popularity of a dish, it totally depends on the mood of the kitchen, because in most cases it selects staff. roast red peppers A specialist salary is $ 500-2000 per month. The first chef in Ukraine were representatives of the Asian region - mainly Thais, less Japanese. Today in domestic establishments commanded chef, trained or foreigners, or are their compatriots.
As for the waiters, roast red peppers the Japanese restaurants prefer to recruit people in the state of Eastern appearance. These waiters will help to create a certain atmosphere and add charm school. Salary waiters - $ 100, or 1% of the order. In waiters and chefs required administrator treasure which average $ 400-600.
Sushi Bar important place. Properly selected roast red peppers location, the key to success of this institution. For normal operation of the restaurant will take 70-80 seats, but it is at least 100 square meters. m. Plus in the kitchen costs an average take 50 square meters. m. The ideal area of the restaurant, 250 - 300 square meters. m.
The equipment is recommended to buy European manufacturers. Expenditure on purchase amount to at least $ 50 thousand. And, equipment and kitchen utensils better not to save. Products domestic production greatly inferior in quality imported: knives quickly tupyatsya, oxidized and thus transmit a metal taste fish, boards crumble, they hammered the fish, which leads to rotting, leaking fridge for fish ...
Even if the restaurant is located in a public place, it will still require advertising. The main channels of promotion restaurant - is advertising in magazines devoted to leisure and entertainment, outdoor advertising and certainly well-placed entertainment.
First - a strict control over the quality of food. Poor quality control leads to that clientele loses all sectors. Consumers roast red peppers should be bad to eat a sushi bar - and it irretrievably lost to all Japanese restaurants: that land - tasteless! The main methods of control: spontaneous tasting, weighing dishes.
Second - excellent customer service. Many restaurants use individual approach - one should offer new dish, second - Present

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