Monday, May 26, 2014

Bags can be loaded. Man on the shoulders of the same 120 L backpack, bauman college while the back

Continued ... Attempts green Taiga forest cover middle, going in the direction of the mountain. bauman college The following two days will not describe in detail. One day consisted of a trip: Kordon - Base Camp - Kordon - the base camp and reached around 60 km, of which about 40 km has been made in full harness. The reason for such pastagai to and fro was quite simple - we were not so many people to take all at once. Now, men, we went after the remaining belongings. It should bauman college be noted that his father started a toothache, combined with a large load, they began to wring the heart, and the dad could not help but bounced back two days. Well, that was drawn off from the Latvian strong pain medication. In these two days we met with the base camp area. The same camp consisted of two log buildings, if they can be called. bauman college From the living hut (Russian: зимовье) and small "black" room. Lodge was 5 meters long and 3 wide. Inside built two wide bench and in the middle of the table between them. A small window of light inflow. In principle, a very narrow and dark house. It divided our family. Laimonis with Raymond izmitinājās tent, which uzslēja held up next. Among sauna and an outdoor hut was a table with benches and fireplace. It was our kitchen. Led to the river trail, and it was to some meters 40th of this building built for quite a long time and served as a home for the lines of communication and "Cara Way" maintainers. Yes, along the way before stretching loop. From the left only poles, and a few places in the metal wires, bauman college his past is no longer fulfilling its function. The camp was located in the same valley. In these latitudes, following river valleys are quite a lot of marshes. They are both different way of construction and not so great. In turn, these boggy patches of growing cranberries and cloudberries. Then the vitamins needed for admission as a little walk around the camp. The second day, we carried out a small walk through the 'Tsar way "to Burejas river, to the point where after a week will start our boating part. Rest days time and suppresses bauman college occasionally a little rain. Therefore, the walks were dressed to the saturation. Because of the gray, who ruled around, and there was little point in taking pictures. Only a couple of pictures archive. Psychologically, going for further days. The following 8 days will be free of all communications. Already now we are 20 miles from the nearest walkie-talkies, but with each additional day move away, and will be about 70 miles from the walkie-talkies. It is the distance, which, in these natural conditions, time of day can not go. Then when someone that may happen, and the assistance will have a long wait. Even this season nearly one inspector went to the gods. Despite the fact that the track had a satellite phone. It turns out these latitudes catch communication with the satellite is quite problematic. Then passed several hours while rescuers called bauman college from, which are in turn due to the fog once could not fly to save the victim. Victims caught in the mountains rushed ...
Bags can be loaded. Man on the shoulders of the same 120 L backpack, bauman college while the back of the bag attached photo backpack. Copes things I nestiepšu up. Cope or not the time or the energy to the distances every gram are by weight. Keep up with the most necessary things, like sleeping bad, sleeping carpet, warm jacket, as we go in the mountains, hiking shoes, as long wearing rubber boots. Also, each divided into food. Jack, of course, the greatest weight in the back. In my bag, a couple of canned meat, bread and Ķelmēni canned condensed milk. There is a heavy bag, even very severe. Before going to be prepared a long wooden pole. It will be used for high current hit, at times will have to cross the river or one of its tributary. We go so far most of my life hiking. The first approx. 10 km will be relatively easy because soļosim by the same "Cara way", but then at the mouth of the river Bureika left Bures, "Cara Way" nogriezīsies us an invalid direction. There's also built a checkpoint, something like a cordon. It says Laimonis. It would be the midway point today ... Raito bidders line up one behind the other, marching forward. Periodically come to a clear sky a spot that makes the hope that time will become bauman college clear. And not long to wait. This occurs quite rapidly and unexpectedly. Strip may be slightly, but not too as more mosquitoes bauman college as they would like. Well, as in Siberia. The camera hung from the neck, but hardly much nebildēju. 'm Struggling with a heavy bag. More pictures of leisure moments. In a beautiful river bend is one of those. On the way to cross the streams increased. In the past, they slējušies over wooden bridges, the remnants of which can still be good to see. Quite surreal scenes. Softwoods overgrown hillside, through which a brook and four pairs of wooden poles in the air, which had spread foothills of the bridge surface residues. We both jāuzloka rubber boots and jābrien on water. Time does its ... There will be three such bridges clapped. Occasionally the path comes out in a more open landscape, it can be observed in the opposite mountain ranges and peaks. Currently the highest peaks visible above 160

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