"Pink isn't a color. It's a lifestyle." - Chumbalaya " ...generalship should be informing list building ." - Sir Biscuit "I buy models with my excess money" - Valkyrie whilst a waitress leans over him
CoolMini Hello friends, from a far off land I have returned... No, actually, my wife and I have had our second baby, and I haven't had any time to do an article in... forever. So I thought I'd start off with something simple - Codex Grey Knights! Now I am not a long time GK player, I'm mainly utilising them so I can create my counts as Thousand Sons army, with psychic might included. What this means for you, my grey-armored loving compatriot, is that I've literally spent every waking moment poring over batreps, the codex, and many other sources, to try and get a feel for Magic Marines (patent pending). Lets go a bit crazy, and start with the Fast Attack cooking class nyc section. We're still waiting on VT2 to start his review...looks like SneakyDan is joining in the fun. Interceptors The red headed stepchild of the GK codex - you either love, or hate, personal teleporters. With the release of the FAQ, the much acclaimed game breaking cooking class nyc shunt list is now dead and buried - guess what kids, we always knew that would be the case. Interceptors, however, still do the same things they always did really well. First things first - interceptors are not your assault infantry. "But they have jump packs! And so do Vanguard Vets! Surely these guys are the same?!?!" Your partially right, they are sort of the same. They attack from an unexpected angle. But while VanVets do this in assault, and draw your opponent out of their castle, Interceptors do it from range, peppering the enemy with firepower from an angle they don't expect. The ubiquitous psycannon is key here friends, cooking class nyc as it allows cooking class nyc us to deliver medium, rending firepower, at an unexpected angle, like the side armor of your opponents Manticore battery, or past the intervening distance cooking class nyc between you and his Long Fangs. After you have softened your target, you can -then- swoop in and possibly mop them up in your following turn, if your opponent hasn't totally destroyed cooking class nyc your squad. Loadout: 10 Interceptors, 2 Psycannons, MC Hammer on the Justicar. This is, in my opinion, the only way to field Interceptors. cooking class nyc Points are wasted on things like halberds, you don't need them, as you generally don't want to be assaulting. Dependant on your opponent, you can combat squad your unit, creating 2 smaller units which cause issues. Squad half a) gets the Justicar with the hammer, and 4 boys, and squad half b) gets the 2 psycannons. Due to personal teleporters not scattering on a shunt, its quite easy to deploy your units in a manner that grants maximum cover the the rear squad with the cannons, while presenting an insurance (read: Powerfist) laden threat in the first. Your close squad can either stormbolter somethings rear armour, and hope for a glance, or run, and present a better screen for your rearsquad toting the psycannon. cooking class nyc The close squad can also do things like cast warp quake vs certain armies, preventing your opponents pods/strikers from dropping on close to help eliminate cooking class nyc your fastmoving threat. As with most things in 40k, Interceptors work best with support. cooking class nyc 10 GK's moving quickly to an exposed cooking class nyc flank scares noone, and you can't reasonably expect your 'Ceptor squad to pick off 3 dakkapreds in a turn with an amazing multi assault cooking class nyc (okay, cooking class nyc technically they could, but its not reliable. CC for tank hunting rarely is, even at str5. ) When used in a hybrid cooking class nyc list designed to take advantage of their strengths, 'Ceptors can be quite effective. Moving 4 x 5 man combat squads, and 2 DK's with heavy incins onto the side of an opponents deployment is quite unnerving, and saturates your opponent with targets cooking class nyc in close - allowing things like your Razorbacks or Rhino mounted squads to close the distance, with minimal interference. It's highly likely those fastmovers will take horrendous damage - Rely on power armour, and cover saves, to get you through. Some armies will tear this style of strategy apart, and others will struggle with it. Stormraven Gunships HOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEE this is a can of worms. The general pro's and con's of the Raven have been extolled many a time on both chatbawks, forums, and mine and Kirby's own articles. The BA equivalent comes with a barrage of AP1 Str8 missiles - perfect in the current mechanised environment cooking class nyc to decimate a light armour cooking class nyc target or two on your first turn, if it gets to fire. On the downside, it is only AV12, its melta-immunity is laughable, and they are as expensive as a bleeding landraider. The BA version, in my opinion, works ridiculously effectively as a gunship, when correctly used, but the GK one.... Why in crap's name, GeeDubwya, did you have to go and take away good missiles, and replace them with crapfest ones? The mindstrike missile is what changes the Raven's role in the GK dex - it goes from alpha-style gunship, with mid/late gam